Vignan Vidayalayam, Thimmapuram, Visakhapatnam is best CBSE School in Vizag.
At Vignan along with the pursuit of academic excellence, our emphasis is on value-based education. Our endeavor is to foster the best of Indian values and cultivate a global outlook. Vignan’s philosophy is implemented on the belief that education should be a fun-filled learning, enjoyable and relevant to today’s world, while unleashing the creative potential of the child. Learning at our Schools is child-centric and growth-oriented.
We aim to provide world-class education with state-of-the-art facilities for the holistic development of the child.
Vignan Vidayalayam Thimmapuram - Best CBSE School in Vizag, Doctor NTR Beach Road, Thimmapuram, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
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